Friday, May 23, 2014


This past week, we were introduced to BLACKBOARD an interactive on-line class. By the second class, I was a lot more comfortable with the layout of Blackboard. I feel comfortable making comments using text and the mic.                        

I have also been busy creating a Pinterest site, including AT for different levels/groups of challenges. It took quite awhile to do the planning and to figure out the layout. It was a good learning experience. I learned different ways of researching AT for specific disabilities-Visual Impairments, Hearing Deficits, Physical/Motor Challenges, Autism, Cognitive Delays, and Seniors. I found, at times, it was difficult to decide what category to put the AT item in as it could be used for a variety of different disabilities. A lot of the items I chose were ones that I would use with the students I work with at school. I tried to keep the items practical, although, some were fun just to include. During this process, I also sought out students at school who had specific challenges and asked them what they have found useful. This was very helpful and insightful. One student enjoyed demonstrating the apps and devices she uses for visual impairments. This has led to other discussions in class and now other students are sharing and experimenting with different apps.

Picture of the Week

Also included is a link to Bernadette's blog, a good review of apps we explored from the first class.

1 comment:

  1. Love your picture of the week! Thanks for sharing all your information and love the Tellagami story!! awesome
