I was told from someone that this class was for me, that I would really enjoy it and would learn a lot. I was not disappointed. I'm thrilled that I learned how to create a blog, take pinterest a step further by creating links, use bookcreator, imovie and the list goes on. Being able to see everyone's presentations was very worthwhile. I have a lot more knowledge and insight on how to find the right assistive technology for people. What better feeling could one have than being able to teach others how to open doors and create limitless possibilities for themselves.
SHAUNA- http://shaunaynay22.wix.com/shauna-at
included is a link to her case study in Prezi
REAGAN- http://atmcmeekin.blogspot.ca/
CHRIS- http://mister-acadian.blogspot.ca/
THERESA- http://tmnickerson.blogspot.ca/
http://www.pinterest.com/teachingehtozed/ AT Catalogue
SUSAN- http://sueassistivetechnology.blogspot.com/
WHITNEY- http://cmw5173.blogspot.ca/
ELEANOR- http://assistivetechmsq.blogspot.com/
BERNADETTE- http://bernadettemacinnis.blogspot.ca/
MACKENZIE- http://mackenzie5173.blogspot.ca/
On a final note I would like to end with an inspirational video. This is TedTalk by Aimee Mullins. It's 22 min long but worth a watch. It's about making the shift in our thinking, and not thinking about disabilities but thinking about the range of human capacity. It's a great clip for reflecting on opening doors and empowering individuals.A feeling that I'm sure all of us felt on the completion of this course. Learning about Assistive Technology has not only opened doors for us but will open doors of possibility for so many others.